Tuesday, July 29, 2008

# 8 RSS issues

Technical difficulties. I got the DSL at the house, but these videos that I need to down load are simply not loading.

I do like the idea of the RSS and will attempt the google reader tomorrow. Right now the internet and this machine are wanting to call it a day. I think I will go read a book ( and all the pages are there already for me to touch) and call it a day myself soon,

More tomorrow

and tomorrow is here- DSL is happier- I was just able to get to google reader and set that up. Now I am so excited. One more thing to check!!! Just kidding. I will fit it in the schedule and the internet will be working fast.

Once I start storing the blogs that I find here during normal searches, I will be able to use them during the school day. I have a vision (ha) of making news folders from the various sites so I can get sort of current news articles to use with the students. Most of what I am saving now seems to come back with the current issue and not the one I wanted to save. (so I still like having a folder with the real paper in it to make a transparency or copy to use with the kids) but I am learning.

And, can I connect the NYTIMES? I have a subscription to that--

I think I will like this more when I add blogs to it that I find when I am just piddling with this when I do the required stuff. Rah- and on to #9

1 comment:

VWB said...

check the nyt site..it probably has info for rss