Friday, August 1, 2008

#14 Technorati

( I hope it likes me today- we became arch enemies several days ago)

First, I could not watch the video on the home machine due to an appleworks problem. Thank goodness I had the school lapper going. Then, once the video started, what she was showing me was not at all what I had on my own machine. ( home page for technorati)

This one site could be my nemesis for a bit. But I did learn why I lack authority and I am ok with that,. Onward to more stuff

And where is the little heart I am supposed to click on?

Onward- I am not giving up yet!!

I do have a blog there and I have claimed it. I wil do more searches at a later period.

If anyone has some secret methods to conquer this site ( Technorati) please share.

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